AI Will Not End Your Job; It Will End Your Life.

As a believer in the Transfer Theory, I firmly believe that AI will not take over your job - no computer can. In fact, AI will create jobs for skilled people who will create and maintain industrial and commercial computing systems including motor vehicles, industrial equipment and robotics, software systems, hardware design and development, and more. Climate change campaigners and recyclers will also have space in this "brave new world".

In that respect, I would like to point out here that there are vast, exciting and interesting opportunities in computing.

However, computing systems are made by human beings. Is it a bad thing?

In this case, yes.

We are fickle, finicky creatures and change faster than the wind.

Furthermore, we also have the tendency to touch the things we create with dirty hands stained by our social, political and religious beliefs.

I am a strong advocate for doing things according to your convictions, and this is how a good number of people operate.

Quite often, the people with strong beliefs are also motivated to act on them, and they go to great lengths to see them fruiting, including through measures such as acquiring skills and resources and building networks which they then use to execute their designs.

On the other side of the see-saw, AI just like any other computing system only works with the inputs and parameters it is given to produce outputs, with most of its unpredictable results coming from incomplete, false, corrupt or otherwise insufficient or incorrect data.1

With recent reports of AI gaslighting people and giving false information, I get the sense that the input data by our hardworking brothers and sisters is shit. This is because a lot of them subscribe to the quasi-Nazi, feminist, left- leaning American Democrat (communist) set of beliefs and, having the power to make, modify and deploy it, are doing so.

This puts us in as bad a place as the mainstream media sewage dispersal system has effectively managed to control the naturally turbulent information ecosystem and are channeling its winds to push an agenda.

Before you go ahead and start trying to control my fellow programmers, I warn you that that will backfire on you properly.

I was talking about ideologies and an agenda. Yes.

Just as the global health system has been hijacked by profiteering drug dealers and mass murderers, AI has been infiltrated by left-leaning ideologues and the very same mass murderers are not far behind. These are the very same eugenicists who believe we are too many, produce too much carbon, eat too much meat and drink too much petrol.

With the ideas propagated by literature such as Terminator, there is a very definite chance that someone somewhere will or might already be making Skynet in their mother's bedroom and it is only a matter of time before we get a version of artificial "intelligence" that wants to kill us all.

We are not far from that future. All it takes is for a single person to cross that line and enter the point of no return.

It is a good thing our creations are ever dependent on us.

The creature can never be greater than its creator.


  1. This is just a hypothesis at this point, and even if it proves false, AI is still a process working within parameters, so my assertion still holds.
  2. Wait - I never saw the Terminator go to the toilet. That would be an obvious giveaway because he would have to shit bullets, piss lead or someone would notice he never goes and asks "Eh, buda! Kwani hukojoangi?"